Virtually anyone who makes the commitment and dedicates the time can train successfully for a triathlon. All it takes is 12 weeks. The following tips can help an aspiring triathlete train with confidence in addition to the right equipment and schedule.
Tolerate a Little Pain
Although athletes shouldn’t push through prolonged or unexplained pain, they still should expect workouts to be uncomfortable. They also can anticipate a little soreness in their muscles. Race day will be brutal, and getting to the finish line will depend on being able to tolerate a certain amount of pain and soreness.
Avoid Training Too Hard
No one should train too hard. Athletes who take no breaks won’t perform well on race day. It’s essential to allocate a rest day each week to allow muscle recovery. Also, athletes should stay within the parameters of their training regimens. Pushing it beyond acceptable limits could cause injury.
Focus on Progress, Not the Result
During training, athletes should sprinkle in micro-goals to stay motivated. Setting goals for staying aero, maintaining a certain cadence, or eating the right foods will make success seem more attainable. These micro-goals add up and represent movement toward the final outcome.
Listen to the Body
The phrase “no pain, no gain” doesn’t always ring true. If there is unexplained or persistent pain, it’s not wise to persist through it during a workout. Taking a couple of days off is better than aggravating an injury, which could throw off an entire training schedule.
Invest a Little Money
It’ll pay dividends later to spend the money to replace worn bike tires or get new running shoes. A trained body is not the only thing a triathlete should count on. Having the proper equipment is also crucial to success on race day.
Make Time for Stretching
Stretching helps the body keep its range of motion, and it warms up the muscles before exertion. Stretching also increases performance because more range of motion means more power and strength.
Strengthen the Glutes
The strongest athletes pay attention to what’s behind them. That means building the glutes. Doing so keeps the pelvis stable and prevents running injuries from the pelvis tilting side-to-side during movement.